Help for English

Your favorite food


Let's talk about your favorite Asian food in English!

I´m an European who don´t know a lot of Asian food but definitely I like eating rice. The problem is , rice must be prepared in the right way. Sometimes, I put a lot of water and then the rice sticks and has wrong quality and consistency. Could anybody tell me the right recipe for preparing rice ?

I like Chinese food. I remember of a week of Chinese cuisine in a factory where I used to work. The meals were prepared directly by Chinese cooks and it tasted delicious.

I love chocolate ice cream.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od AdrianaXXX vložený před 4 lety

I´m an European who don´t know a lot of Asian food but definitely I like eating rice. The problem is , rice must be prepared in the right way. Sometimes, I put a lot of water and then the rice sticks and has wrong quality and consistency. Could anybody tell me the right recipe for preparing rice ?

So sad that nobody reacted…:)
There are two ways to cook rice that I know of.
One is very simple: one cup of rice, two and a half cups of water (or a little more..), you heat it, and boil it for about 17 – 20 minutes (you need to check after 15 minutes and see if there is enough water… and also try the rice..if it tastes good..) Before you start heating the rice, you add 2 pieces of allspice and of course you add salt:)
The other way: a little bit of butter + rice -) heat it, roast it for 1 minute, add water and a piece of onion(half or so..)that you take out at the end… (again with salt of course..)


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