Help for English

The Worst Ending to a Story

Komentáře k článku: The Worst Ending to a Story


A nice composition.
Only I thought there should be „normality“ instead of „normalcy“. Or does the word exist?


Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Adela Benesova vložený před 17 lety

A nice composition.
Only I thought there should be „normality“ instead of „normalcy“. Or does the word exist?



Actually, ‚normalcy‘ is an American word for British ‚normality‘

Br&Am English

Wouldn't that be a great idea if there was additional information about Br. or Am. English? Because some people're studying Br. and some Am. EN,so they don't get confused.

prosím, co je to ta „supernova“


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